When opening the file, the microtonal tones symbol disappears…???

I would like to ask if I use the microtonal tones symbol in my music score, after saving it, the microtonal tones symbol will always disappear when I turn it on again next time. What should I do?


  • @pierrot
    Sorry about the issue (and about the delay due to a long backlog of support requests currently).

    We would like to fix this issue right away, and would next appreciate a copy of the .sym file (SP project file). If it's possible to share it, please send it to support@symphonypro.net. If you would only prefer to share an illustration, a screenshot of the notation that isn't saving properly, or a PDF file of the project, would still be immensely helpful.

  • When I receive an xml file with microtones, they all disappear when opening the file. 
  • Yes true! I am a New User of the program and Super delighted and in love with how it works! But I confirm: Microtonal accidentals can't be saved! Maybe with the next Update you can fix this Problem..I am New so I don't need it immediately tomorrow;) but I would very much appreciate if You would correct this defect soon ;) 
    Best greetings and hope you keep developing the program
  • This is still happening. Will it be fixed soon?
  • @Evesada
    This is a serious issue that we've recognized thanks to your feedback, and it will be fixed in the next update arriving in a few weeks at most.
  • Still a problem!
  • Support
    edited August 2024
    Sorry about the wait and not meeting the expected arrival for an update.  We've fixed a number of other bugs for the next release including for iOS 18 and so on. Our resources, outside of fixing crashes and issues that involve more basic features, currently remain limited. Since the update as a whole requires testing, we still need some more time, but it will finally be resolved when it is released. In particular, we're doing our best to release the update this month.

    If a stability issue arises or a feature breaks, however, you can be certain that an update will urgently be released, as we described and promised here.

    Again, we're very sorry for the wait on this bug.