Feature Requests [Old Thread]



  • Yes, Soifran this update should absolutely address your problems. Exporting is very stable now, and you can completely customize the number of bars per line.

    I also like your suggestions, although know of them will be in 2.0. The ability to rearrange tracks, and to allow background music from iTunes will probably come soon.
  • I'm still not seeing the new Version 2.0 as an update in the app store...is it because I have the beta installed? do I need to backup my song files, and uninstall..then try again at the app store do you think?

  • jazzman1 wrote:
    I'm still not seeing the new Version 2.0 as an update in the app store...is it because I have the beta installed? do I need to backup my song files, and uninstall..then try again at the app store do you think?


    I think that might be the case. Drag and drop all of your files onto your desktop via iTunes File Sharing to back them up (this is important), delete the app, and then download and re-install the app straight from the App Store on the iPad. Lastly, restore all of your files.

    By doing this, the only things you will lose is some saved settings. Hope this helps and works.
  • Hi. I must say that Symphony Pro for iPad must be the best composer tool. I wonder as I always bring my iPhone and not always my iPad, if you please would consider adding code for iPhone (with more divided pictures/graphix????? Please that would be so cool. To be able to use Symphony Pro at booth my i-devices..
  • Good evening,

    I would like to request a continuous page viewing mode. I find it rather annoying to change pages to navigate through the sheet. A continuous view would also allow to show the next line when playbacking so you can see what comes next. Playing music is a bit like reading, isn't it? I always have the end of the sentence in mind.

    Best regards
  • Hello, It is possible in a future version, to have a UT key on the first line(soprano's key).
    It is necessary for the student in conservatory to write soprano part in writing exercice
    Best regards
  • Thanks for everyone's suggestions.
    Udai wrote:
    Hello, It is possible in a future version, to have a UT key on the first line(soprano's key).
    It is necessary for the student in conservatory to write soprano part in writing exercice
    Best regards

    A template for SATB and the ability to change key signatures for just a single part will arrive in the next few updates.
    luk wrote:
    Good evening,
    I would like to request a continuous page viewing mode. I find it rather annoying to change pages to navigate through the sheet. A continuous view would also allow to show the next line when playbacking so you can see what comes next. Playing music is a bit like reading, isn't it? I always have the end of the sentence in mind.
    Best regards

    Thanks for this suggestion. We have this on the roadmap now because we think it'd be useful too.
    johnwil wrote:
    Hi. I must say that Symphony Pro for iPad must be the best composer tool. I wonder as I always bring my iPhone and not always my iPad, if you please would consider adding code for iPhone (with more divided pictures/graphix????? Please that would be so cool. To be able to use Symphony Pro at booth my i-devices..

    An iPhone update is planned. We'll let everyone know when we have a specific release date in mind.
  • How about a more comprehensive user manual, with worked examples, for all features. At the moment, I'm pretty sure i'm using less than 20% of the features, because I'm simply unaware of all the others.
  • Hi there- Symphony seems phantastic- I have been using it for a few days now. 
    I'm re- entering music after 35 years (that says something?)
    So forgive me if I miss stuff, or double with anybody else's thoughts, but here are just a few:

    File management: I would welcome a less 'original' approach of file handling- so an 'edit' button on top and when you click it you can delete files- Swipe is more original, I can see that, but way less 'intuitive' to me.

    Symphony Pro doesn't expect a single note in the first meassure- for instance because of syncopation- It puts the note first, then a lot of emptiness and worse: it plays pause up to the amount of the 'missing notes' it expects..

    I would greatly welcome integration with dropbox and/or apples newly integrated airdrop.

    I would like the possibility to choose the direction of notes poles.

    I would like an easy possibility to add more lines of music to a page.
  • "Some form of Garage Band integration" sounds great!

    Here's a few suggestions for improved playback:
    • Add a slight stress on notes that fall on the beat (even better: make that amount configurable, so you can adjust it for each piece, or disable it when you don't want it).
    • Add a stronger stress on accented notes.
    • Interpret (de)crescendo. Btw, it'd be great to be able to choose the length of the (de)crescendo markings.
    • Interpret trills and mordents.
    • 'Flexible' rit. and accel. - gradually slow down/speed up until the next tempo adjustment (could be its opposite, or 'a tempo', or a new tempo marking (can't wait for that feature in 2.2!).
    Btw, congratulations on all the things SP already does in terms of playback.
  • Could use a timpani sound too! Thx.
  • More suggestions:
    • A 'mixer view', to make it easier to adjust volumes. A bonus would be to include panning.
    • The possibility to adjust volume (and panning?) on the drumkit individual sounds (for example I find the hihat very loud right now, v2.2).
  • Firstly, great app! Completely worth the $15! One feature that I would love to have would be to arrange the files into collections:
    - Group files into collections
    - Book order
    - Performance order
    - Tags
  • Firstly, great app! Completely worth the $15! One feature that I would love to have would be to arrange the files into collections:
    - Group files into collections
    - Book order
    - Performance order
    - Tags
    Thanks. We're working on improved file management for the next release and will take your suggestions into consideration.
  • I love the app but as a jazz musician I'm in need of a half-diminished chord symbol (circle with a vertical line).  A small triangle is also useful for a major (raised) 7th.  Any chance of them being added please?  Thanks for everything so far!
  • I'd like the possibility to beam notes arbitrarily, like in a 2/4 bar group the first three eighth notes and leave the last one on its own. To be extra fancy, one could even beam notes accross bars (I'd use that!).
  • hi im new to this app and im learning as i go , i was wondering if it possible to quantize while recording.
    any feedback would be appreciated thanks
  • Tremolo effect would be helpful, as well as double dotting. The first piece I entered using Symphony required both these features, so it was disappointing not to have them available. I know you can work around double dotting with ties, but they're abominable for singers to read.
  • Thanks for your feedback

    @Joao: A quantization feature will arrive in version 2.4 (about 6 weeks, maybe earlier).

    @Gerry: Double dotted notes will arrive in version 2.3 (by next month). 

  • Thanks for the fantastic App!
    Yes, the quantization would make the recording much more usefull!
    Also a option to "swing quavers" would be great :-)
  • Hi,

    Swing playback is definitely a coming feature. 

  • Hi,

    when will transposing instruments be supported? They were announced for 2.1, then 2.2, .... We woodwind and brass players do really need them for the program to be useful. 

  • Support
    edited December 2011
    Hi luk, 

    Transposition is on its way for 2.3. We are going to submit the new version to Apple when iTunes starts app submissions again on December 29th.

  • I would like to second the request for swing/jazz time.

    Also, an ability to write without the measure lines and then add them in later would be useful as it is sometimes difficult to write with them already in there.

    Great stuff, thanks.
  • Hello, please put a sixty-fourth note and a sixty-fourth rests soon as possible, thanks!
  • BishopBasher
    edited February 2012

    Few more:

    I'd like to have the ability to change the stem direction for an individual note.

    It would be great to be able to enter appoggiatura notes as well as acciaccatura notes.

    The app doesn't seem to play back acciaccatura notes correctly (they can keep playing past the following note which isn't right). Also tenuto and fermata seem to cause the same problem.

    It would be useful to have a breath mark and also to be able to set the duration of the pause on both breath mark and fermata.

    I'd like to be able to enter slurs and staccato as I go instead of having to go back to the note after entering it. Both of these could be behind other existing buttons (tie and dot respectively) as for the tuplet button.

    When entering lyrics it would be helpful to be able to enter accented characters such as é - important if you happen to be writing in French, German or Italian, for example. (It may be possible to do this already but I can't figure it out.)

    Having the ability to enter chord symbols is great especially for a figured bass but the playback doesn't play the chord, only the note entered. Similarly the trill notation doesn't actually cause a trill to be played in playback which seems a straightforward addition.

    I don't think it's currently possible to insert repeats or other flow directions (da capo, dal segno, different endings for first and second repeat etc). This (and then the ability to enter multiple verses of lyrics) would be really helpful.

    Finally I'd like to be able to insert bar lines mid-measure and also to be able to start with a short measure (e.g. common time but first measure is only a quaver long).

  • Greetings! I'm new here, but am really enjoying getting to know Symphony Pro. Please feel welcome to set me straight on if I have missed somewhere, but cannot find the ability to redefine the number of lines on a staff. Have I missed it? If not a feature at this time, would be a GREAT add--especially for when writing for various percussion.

    Much Appreciated,

    edited February 2012
    Hi, I have 2 more suggestions for you (in addition to number of lines per staff control mentioned above)

    Ability to dictate stem direction WITHOUT need for multi-voices on a single staff

    Ability to group/ungroup staves (or, am I missing something, as appears to want to auto-group in grand-staff pairs only)

    Finally, FYI: crashed at least 10 times in 1 evening--a bit disappointing.



    **2/18/2012 followup:

    FYI: Have found that can un-group the Grand Staff groupings via choice of instrument for a particular staff.

    Thanks, -MJ
  • I really liky the app. Things I would like to see:

    Jazz chord notation would be very welcome.
    A way to choose how many measures per line are being used : measure formatting

    Keep up the good works
  • It could have been superb if we could enter chord symbols by simply playing them like Band in a Box....