Feature Requests [Old Thread]
Overdub features.
This is a major flaw.
The inability to listen to what has been recorded and then record on top or more important recording live the next section.
Why this is flawed? When record is moving along the time line there is no sound from the notes per-written, only the tempo is audible. This makes it impossible to gather exactly the feel, where to record live into track and disabling live record.
Loop feature should be a button. Anytime record is turned on and or rewind is pressed the loop is disarmed and parameters are now back to zero measures for left and right.
Loop on off and left/right position markers freeze required.
Lyric writing feature is a joke. Get some tips from iwrite feature because there's is better.
Symphony pro lyric writing is a joke because its a waste of time writing in position because it changes depending on landscape or portrait mode and if zoom in to view the lyrics have changed position.
Are you serious!!!!!
Request - Writing in sync with note position. Move along notes with arrow.
Text imprinted into position so lyrics do not lose position.
I've had this app for a day and I'm wondering how any one uses this more than a few times before giving up on its flawed basics.
Many more flaws u should know about. Fix them.
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Thanks for your feedback, we'll take all of your points in consideration for future updates.One thing to note when adding lyrics: to keep note and lyric positions fixed, set a fixed number of bars per line. To do this, open the Measure Dialog. (see "Measures" in the manual).0
Slash chords that transpose- I notice that in the latest release, the chords auto transpose, but it would be great if you could also also slash chord bass notes to also transpose?0
Short Score template (SA on treble staff, TB on bass staff, stems in opposite directions)
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Is there any potential for OCR? I have several hundred scanned choral sheets and Symphony Pro would be a great accompanist for those that can't play a piano. (Like me.)0
Hi, I am no programmer. So I don't know if it difficult but can you make the virtual guitar display the dots on the play back mode. The guitar teacher loves this app to put scores for my son. It would be easier to see them on the virtual guitar too when playing back the piece he is learning.Otherwise I love the application. It easier to transport then lots of music sheets and having the guitar teach write them down.0
Please add marching percussion (snare, tenors, and 4-6 bases) with notations such as the slash for diddles and "rooftop" accents, front ensemble instruments (marimba), and more complex meters such as 7/16, 6/16, 10/16, and 14/16 for clarity and easier readings.
I hope to see these in the near future.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.0 -
And a tutorial of the buttons would be great, as I don't think I'm using even half of the notations to their full capabilities.
Please and thank you!0 -
Correction to my above posts.
I found the manual.
I figured out how to have the "9/16"(etc.) measures
And also found the accents (thanks to the manual)
All that remains is the lack of marching percussion and the marimba.
This would be much appreciated. Thank you0 -
@Gir20_10:Thanks for the follow-up and feedback. We will certainly provide better resources for users, as well as several important updates for usability and bugs. The features you requested were on the list for a while, so it's about time for us to get around to them!Thanks,Phil0
Hi,I'm new to the software but I love it already. Just a couple of suggestions though.I'm dying for folders as I play more than one instrument (piano, guitar and bass). I'm not so sure how my library will grow in the future and everything seems just mixed up. I'm hoping for some help on this side. Tags would be enough if folders are tricky to implement.I'd like a wisiwig mode as well. ex : yesterday I entered all the greek modes in the key of E and I put one mode per line, leaving 2 bars blank at the end of each line. When I wanted to print it happened to put more bars per line and the whole thing was pretty useless. I do have to choose between a great look on the ipad or a great look when printed. Seems to me that an option of printing *exactly* what you've got on the screen would be quite useful.Carry on the good work guys! really appreciated!0
@twingocerise: Thanks for the suggestions. Folders would not be very hard to include development-wise since the underlying structure is already there to accommodate them. In addition we've gotten several recommendations already.We try our best to make the score wysiwyg in either orientation or in print or editing modes. However, the only guaranteed way to have your score laid out exactly the way you want is to select a print dimension under Score/Display Settings.Regards,Phil0
Great app for the iPad. I just purchased it, mainly to provide a way to get down ideas and notions while "on-the-go", and SymPro does that in spades. I'm a long-time Sibelius user, and I also use my iPad with a blue-tooth keypad. So some features I love to see include:
* note entry with keypad (ie, press g, get a g note, and the note is in the current key signature).
* add chord notes by pressing numbers (press 3, it adds a 3rd, shift+3, adds a 3rd below). This would also make changing a note by an octave easier. Perhaps > and < to sharp or flat the note.
* something similar w.r.t. note value. Perhaps Ctrl+1 for whole, Ctrl+2 for half, Ctrl+4 for quarter, Ctrl+8 for 8th. Fill in with other numbers for 16th and 32nd. (Not as intuitive, but still handy)
* adding note with keyboard is tres cool, but moving a note to another octave by first dismissing the keyboard then selecting note and applying 8va or 8vb is hard. What about sliding the keyboard with a hand gesture to reveal other ranges? Always flag the C as proper distance from middle C (or perhaps give it the MIDI number, eg, C2, C3, etc) so that user knows where he is octave-wise.
* Here's something I was surprised NOT to see: SIRI-voice entry. If I can press g for a g note, why not SAY what the note is: "Quarter (note). G. G. Half. D. B flat. Quarter. G. G." Yes, that would be extremely cool.0 -
Hi Chuck,Thanks for the great suggestions. We've gotten requests for external keypad support in the past, and your post pushed us one step closer to getting started!In the meantime, our main focus lately has been reliability improvements, which amount to hundreds upon hundreds as of the upcoming update. But your feature requests came at a good time. After this update is finished, SP will approach the point where we can finally set our sights on the horizons for new features so to speak.Regards,Phil0
In case no one has mentioned it, please allow input of semibreve (whole note) rests in time signatures with fewer than 4 beats in the bar.
This rest is always used to denote an empty bar in all standard time signatures, with the sole exception of 4/2, but Symphony Pro insists on treating as a literal time value when I attempt to use it in 3/4.0 -
Hi Ben,Glad to see you back! We haven't gotten this suggestion before and will include a fix for this behavior in our next update.Regards,Phil0
Thanks, Phil
Also, there is still an issue with accidentals on tied notes across bar lines:
If a note with accidental is tied across a bar, then the accidental should not be repeated for the tied note - SP3.3 fixed this...
However, if the same note is repeated in the 2nd bar, a new accidental *is* required, and this is not happening. It won't even let you force the accidental as a workaround.
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Noted – This will also be addressed! At the very least, the upcoming release will allow you specifically repeat an accidental where it is otherwise not specified.I look forward to your thoughts on 3.4!Regards,Phil0
4 bar simile... I hope u can add. Its really a big time saver specially for those songs that repeats 4 bar sections. And a jazz font.
itd be cool
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Noted. We're working hard on prioritizing these tasks!0
I think that integration with Audiobus would be nice. I would love to be able to use some symphonic parts in my music created with this app that I blend with special drums and synths from other apps. Even if I can't bring other music into Symphony, exporting stuff from this app via Audiobus would be great.0
I have really been enjoying this new version... I can almost recommend this to friends as being better than computer software. However I have been building up for a huge support email so here it is... In non email form
Here is my 11 cents! I'm really happy your keeping track of our requests can't wait till 100! You guys are supper.
1. When deleting tracks sometime data gets mixed up names seem to move clefs get changes... It's abit of a mess
2. When trying to play by pressing multiple fingers it would be great if it recognized they we are on seperate tracks and didn't place notes
3. Crescendoes looking much much much larger in solo parts
Issues with printing
Every time I'm done with a song I have to fight with the software for awhile to get everything printed here is how you can fix that.
1. An function that automatically prints every Seperate part and the score.
2. Option that makes a PDF with the score and parts. (Ex: score then violin 1 then violin 2 all on the same document.
3. Tell it how many pages you want it on and the size of each page and it automatically resizes the music to the optimal size
4. Volume knobs on the track list page
5. Mute button for each track
6. Ability to view only two parts at once. (Ex: I'm doing a symphonic arrangement and I only want to work on the band so I hide all the other instruments)
7. Ability to tell performance mode how precise to be (ex: tell it not to subdivide to a 64th note... Maybe turn the sensitivity down.. )
8. Tympani instrument actually have tuned sounds
9. Ability to lock a certain track from changes
10. Easier way to copy... Maybe using the new select tool (it would be really great if we could copy multipage sections by adding new measures to a copy like in the old version)
11. Folder system for projects!!!!!!!
13. Easier interface for adding lyrics chords and text... Maybe we can latch them to notes like articulations.
14. Music slider is less sensitive... I fell like anything past the half way mark is like preschool music and below that it is really really sensitive I can never get what I want.
15. Letter sections tool allowing you to add big letters in a box above everyone's part.
16. Pizz and arco signs even if they don't change sound.
17. Option to fill the end of every measure with the right amount of rests.
18. Range diagram for choral parts that is automatically created (gets frustrating to find those out for 6 page parts)
19. Each instrument is limited to its traditional range and all notes outside of that range get highlighted and can be ignored... Kinda like a typo
20. When importing a music XML mabye have it ask some questions... One time someone wanted me to edit a symphonic piece and when I imported it all the instruments turned to tube bells... Not only did that scar my ears for life it also took a long time to turn each track to its proper instrument. Mabye symphony pro should have an import wizard where you tell it what instrument each track is supposed to be.
Thankyou so much! I can't wait to see what you have came up with!0 -
Your help is astounding! We greatly appreciate your suggestions and will take each and every one of them into account in our next updates.If you would like to participate in our betas, don't hesitate send us an email to support@symphonypro.net-SP Team0
A great feature to add would be a "Select All" option for parts and/or the whole score when you copy/paste. It's tedious when you try to copy a whole part, but you have to scroll through the whole song just to copy one part.0
Congratulations on another great update! When I'm entering music in Symphony Pro, the biggest source of frustration and delay is having to continually hit the expandable buttons in the left-hand-side toolbar to find hidden options such as rests, flats, Dynamics/Expressions/Articulations/Text menus and Select/Delete modes. The problem is that the toolbar is only one button wide which seems a reasonable default but an unnecessary limitation. My suggestion would be to provide an option to increase the width of the toolbar. If for example you opted to increase the toolbar width to two buttons, you'd have immediate access to all notes and rests, sharp/flat, Notes/Dynamics menus, Add/Select modes, etc. Increasing it to three buttons would give you immediate access to sharp/flat/natural, Notes/Dynamics/Expressions menus, Add/Select/Delete modes, and so on. If the rule was that only the rightmost button was expandable and changeable, this would also allow you to switch off a dot or sharp with a single click instead of getting an unwanted expansion list.0
@shrrsn1: We have had this on our development schedule. You can consider it an important feature to look forward to.@Redwave: Our goal with the current interface was to keep the toolbar as minimal as possible as to preserve space for the score, but having a 2 column toolbar is not out of the question and has been in consideration.We appreciate all of your feedback and look forward to more, as our app continues to improve and evolve!Best,SP Team0
Love your app. Do yo think it would be possible to add Dropbox integration or icloud or anything that may allow for file synchronization among different devices. This is very handy when working on a score on computer and continuing work on ipad when on the go.
Also, I can't find how to create duplets. Anyone?
Thanks and congrats0