Symphony Pro as Lead Sheet Creation Tool...

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
the only single reason I haven't bought Symphony Pro yet is that I'm not sure it is at the point where I can use
it for creating a piano part or only melody part with chord changes written in...I'm sure there
are many others (especially jazz players/composers) waiting for this functionality, and will be buying Symphony Pro
as soon as this happens!...this would also be great for transcription of melodies with chord changes
..... I hope this is coming in the next update! Pleassssssse make it happen!



  • Next version is set to have a chord tool. It's going to automatically format chord names so that they look nice, and when you transpose the score it will also transpose the chords. You can follow us on twitter at if you want to know once this is out.
  • this is awesome news Ross! any hint as to when the next version may be ready?? (i've got some
    Bud Powell tunes to transcribe, and am ready to input it in Symphony Pro!) :)
    ...I'll definitely refer this app to all my jazz musician friends who I know will appreciate this same feature!

    Thanks again!
  • I'm waiting for this functionality too! Will the next version have an optimized transposition feature to easily transpose concert lead sheets to alto sax or trumpet?
  • Does the "chord tool" mean you actually need to play the chord on the keyboard or can you enter the chord above the staff similar to Sibelius?
  • You will have to enter chord symbols as text. So it'll recognize chords like cmaj7, bbM/d (b flat major, with d as the root), f#aug, and then automatically format them.
  • I notice when I want to create a new lead sheet in the V2 beta, and have the "tracks" as "keyboard/acoustic grand piano", I am now unable to create a chart having one stave of treble cleff ...this is because when I try and remove the bass clef it simply adds another "keyboard" stave...the previous version didnt do allowed me to remove the bass clef...any ideas?
  • jazzman1 wrote:
    I notice when I want to create a new lead sheet in the V2 beta, and have the "tracks" as "keyboard/acoustic grand piano", I am now unable to create a chart having one stave of treble cleff ...this is because when I try and remove the bass clef it simply adds another "keyboard" stave...the previous version didnt do allowed me to remove the bass clef...any ideas?

    We'll have an update to the beta out soon that fixes the cancel track button. We're also open to removing the way that keyboards default to taking up two tracks.

    For now, you can just set the instrument as anything other than a keyboard and then change it back to piano within the Score menu after the song is created.