XML File transfer

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Tried emailing XML file, with no success. The email didn't even arrive at the destination
Mike O'R


  • mikeor wrote:
    Tried emailing XML file, with no success. The email didn't even arrive at the destination
    Mike O'R

    Can you double check to see if all of the following are in order:

    1. Have updated to the latest version of the app
    2. You are connected to the internet
    3. You have entered a valid e-mail address
    4. You have selected a file format

    If it's still not working, can you please send me the Symphony version of the file that is causing problems? I will personally take a look at it and will give you a response on this as soon as possible.
  • I got XML and MIDI files to transfer without a problem. However, several tries to transfer the same 2 page file as a .pdf did not work. BTW, I used to Text feature to insert Chord Symbols - it's a bit crude, but it worked.
    Mike O'R
  • mikeor wrote:
    I got XML and MIDI files to transfer without a problem. However, several tries to transfer the same 2 page file as a .pdf did not work. BTW, I used to Text feature to insert Chord Symbols - it's a bit crude, but it worked.
    Mike O'R

    Hmm, there have been lots of reports of people having trouble with exporting to PDF. PDFs are relatively large files compared to the other available exportin formats, so uploading the file takes more time. We have found out that most of the time that people are experiencing exporting as PDF is because they have pre-maturely exited the application before it has finished sending the file. So please be patient when exporting! This may not be the case here, but it's still good to know.

    Again, if you're still experiencing issues, please export the Symphony (.SYM) version of the file to support@symphonypro.net, and I'll take a look at it. The file will certainly help us in debugging.
  • Hey,

    Is symphony pro compatable with Musescore? I sucessfully exported and tried opening said XML file in Musescore but it didn't display properly.
