Problem with accidentals in octaves

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
The rule for applying accidentals is not quite right. We know that when an accidental is applied to a note it applies for the remainder of the bar. Symphony Pro is doing that but it is also applying it for the same note when it appears in other octaves. Here is a quote from a music text describing the rule for accidentals:

"The sign applies only to the line or space where it first appears; if the same note appears in another octave, or, in the case of multi-staves scores on another staff, the accidental must be restated. Contrast this with the rule for signs appearing in the key signature which apply to all relevant notes in any octave on the stave."

For example with key signature set to C enter a B flat below the stave on a treble clef. The flat sign shows next to the note. Now enter a B flat an octave higher - the flat sign does not show but according to the rule it should.

There is also no way to enter courtesy accidentals to clarify the composer's intent. Here is a further quote from the same text:

"It is worth adding a comment on this 'so-called' rule. Many modern composers expect the accidental to apply to all notes in the same bar of the same pitch-class. Thus, their accidentals behave like the sharps and flats in a key-signature. While this may be the rule by which these composers work, modern players, who have to work with both conventions, need some reassurance and we strongly recommend the use of courtesy accidentals on all notes of the same pitch class, within the same bar, but at octaves that differ from the note to which the accidental was first applied. Similarly, if a passage is repeated under an 8va sign, the accidentals should be repeated."


  • Also, when a note altered by an accidental is tied across a bar line, the note to which it is tied should not have the accidental.
  • Thanks for the information