Custom noteheads for version 2.1

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Hi all,

We are adding support for customizable noteheads for drum notation, palm-muted notes for guitar, and others.

We're starting simple, and the 3 we have on mind are 'x', filled-in diamond, and slash. If there are any others you'd like to see, feel free to request them here.

Symphony Team


  • What happened to filled-in-diamond (instead there's a filled-in triangle), and the slash? Those two would be great.

    And since asking is free... it'd be great if filled-in-diamond (harmonics) were played as such in guitars and violins. Maybe that's asking for too much...

    Also I would add a no-head (so you'd only see the stem), which is probably not very common.
  • Hi gonzalo,

    Thanks for the comments. I ended up postponing slashes and filled in diamonds because they are a little more time consuming to implement than the other ones. I will make them available in one of the next versions. We're adding palm muted notes for guitar playback soon and we'll continue to improve playback to handle special notations for various instruments. I'll make a note to add harmonics for filled in diamonds.