Crashes on export-to-email

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Hi, I just purchased and downloaded Pro a couple of days ago (mid April 2011). I am unable to export-to-email any file in any format. I save a small test file (4-5 measures), then enter my email address, select a file format and click "email" and the program shuts down. Doesn't matter the file format. It is very important to me that I am able to save and and export music, a big reason I got this program. What am I doing wrong, or is this still a bug in version 1.3?

Help me please.

Keith Ashton


  • This is a bug that is affecting many users. Fixing it is currently our top priority.

    The version in the App Store will crash on export to e-mail and will hang on PDF export. Any export operation should not take longer than a a minute or two. So if the app hangs, you can get around it by exiting to the home screen, double tapping the home button on the iPad to bring up the multi-tasking bar at the bottom, then tap and hold on the Symphony Pro icon, and remove it from the bar. This forces the app to close down.

    Sorry for this huge inconvenience. We're hoping the next update, 1.3.1, will fix the problem. I recommend that all users on 1.3 export to the device in the meantime.
  • Hello. I purchased symphonypro 2 days ago and have exactly the same problems than Kmashton : impossible to export pdf and impossible to export any format by e- mail ! It is a big deception for a software of this price and without these functions, there is not so much interest in it.
    As i do not have my laptop with me, no way to confirm if export to device is really ok or not. I hope the bug Will be fixed very quickly !
    Tanks in advanced !
  • It's a regression that was introduced in 1.3. The feature was working in all previous versions of the app. If you're still on 1.2 or below and need the e-mail function, hold off on updating until 1.3.1 is released.
  • Thank you for the information dthpham; in fact, when I purchased it, it was already the 1.3 I understand I have nothing dose to do than waiting for the next release...
  • Same here. Crashed on email export. And photo export to device also hangs.
  • This is still broken in 1.3.1. PDF to device no longer hangs while export to Photos still does.
  • dthpham wrote:
    This is still broken in 1.3.1. PDF to device no longer hangs while export to Photos still does.
    Same here (v. 1.3.1.). PDF export to e-mail doesn't work.
  • Joshman240
    edited April 2011
    When I export my music in MP3 format, and PDF format, it just keeps on crashing! And also, when I export my music as a PDF to Email, Device and Photos, why does it take too long? Why does it do this to me?
  • We submitted 1.3.2, which should fix all of these issues. It's just a matter or waiting for apple to approve it now.
  • Joshman240 wrote:
    When I export my music in MP3 format, and PDF format, it just keeps on crashing! And also, when I export my music as a PDF to Email, Device and Photos, why does it take too long? Why does it do this to me?

    Assuming the app is not hanging, PDF export takes some time because you're processing and uploading a relatively large file compared to the other file formats. The bigger the file, the longer it takes to complete the export process.
  • I just downloaded the update to fix export to email crashes, and it STILL crashes on me. And if you try to export your file using the MP3 format, it just keeps on crashing, no matter how many time you try. PLEASE try to fix this!

    Many thanks,

  • Just downloaded 1.3.3. Still seems broken when trying to export a simple 1 page melody to either PDF or photo.
  • Hi, I'm on version 1.3.3. I cannot export anything. I can't export to pdf, supposedly it exports to the device, but then where is it in itunes? The program just closes if I try to export to MP3 on the device.
  • mcdonacx wrote:
    Hi, I'm on version 1.3.3. I cannot export anything. I can't export to pdf, supposedly it exports to the device, but then where is it in itunes? The program just closes if I try to export to MP3 on the device.

    I spent 50 hours finishing two songs from my musical so that I could export them and give them to my Dad as a father's day gift. Thanks a lot.

    It's under Device > Apps > iTunes File Sharing

    If you're having trouble exporting send us a Symphony file and a list of steps on how to recreate your problem to our email. We usually get back to our users in under a day.
  • V1.3.3
    Still hanging on a simple 8 bar with 8th notes...on email export PDF. I can quit app and close it, reopen then export ok. Maybe you could try fixing it yet again?
  • Dthpham
    edited October 2014
    hihat wrote:
    Still hanging on a simple 8 bar with 8th notes...on email export PDF. I can quit app and close it, reopen then export ok. Maybe you could try fixing it yet again?

    A Symphony file that isn't working would help us in debuging :)

    Please send the file to us at our support email. Also, export to the device exists as a good alternative to email export. I've found that it's rare when *both* methods do not work for the same file. If you're having trouble then try that too.