Update on Crashes when sending file

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I did some experimenting and it crashes on sending PDF, MusicXML, or Symphony. I can send as MP3, ACC, LilyPond.


  • Thanks for the heads up. We're currently working on fixing the problem.
  • It should be fixed now so you can try to give it another go. Let us know if the problem still persists.
  • I went into the quick app launcher, closed all the apps I've been using, and then turned the iPad all the way off and on again.

    I also noticed that I had disconnected to the Internet (at school, there's a public wi-fi login for non-district devices that times out). So I re-established that, too.

    Then I sent PDFs and MusicXML files to myself. No problem.

    I'm not sure what corrected the problem...but it works.
  • Hello,

    I would like to report some bugs:

    1. Symphony Pro crashes systematically when I do the following actions :

    a. tap on "export" icon
    b. fill "e-mail" address
    c. select "MusicXML" format for export
    d. tap on "send"
    e. A pop-up window indicates me that the file has been sent by e-mail
    f. tap on "open file" icon
    g. then the app just quit, and I'm back on the iOS screen.

    2. By the way, on the "send" button, the little blue arrow on the right doesn't work (no action when tapped). I have to tap on the word "Send" to actually do the sending.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Kind regards,
  • Sorry but still crashing when I try to email a pdf file to my own email.

    Program sets into a loop with 'Exporting Please Wait...' message.
    Click to close the program then re-enter and the message is still there.

  • ladopairts wrote:
    Sorry but still crashing when I try to email a pdf file to my own email.

    Program sets into a loop with 'Exporting Please Wait...' message.
    Click to close the program then re-enter and the message is still there.


    To get the app back to a usable state you'll have to completely close it out first. To do this, double tap on the button on the side of your iPad, and a bar will pop up on the bottom of your screen showing all running apps. Click and hold on the Symphony Pro icon, and then press the red 'minus' button that appears. After that you should be able to open the app back up and the message will be gone.

    If it's a particularly long composition, you should wait 5 minutes (longer if you are on 3G or a slow WiFi connection) when sending PDF files, just to be safe.

    If the PDF still won't send, then I think you're the first to report that particular bug. It would be a big help to us if you could email us a 'Symphony' version of the file to support@symphonypro.net