Error al exportar a MIDI

edited August 2013 in Symphony Pro
Hola, me gustaría saber si se pueden hacer discusiones en español.
Aquí va mi primera pregunta:
¿Por qué no puedo enviar mis archivos en formato MIDI? Me sale un mensaje que pone "Network error".


  • It's happening the same thing with me. In case you couldn't understand the last post, she said:

    "Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to have discussions in spanish.
    Here goes my question:
    Why can't I send my files in MIDI format? It appears a message that says 'Network error'.

    Actually, in my case, at first it worked, but when I opened the file in my computer it had only half of the song exported...

    Then, when I tried it again to see if I could get the full song in MIDI, it didn't work and this same message appeared: "Network error. Receiving failed. Please try again later.". It can't be an internet access issue because I can normally access internet pages when this happens...

    Is there something I can do or it is a bug that you must fix??