Measure spacing

Ben Crosland
edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Hi there,

Still loving the app! Good to see a healthy list of improvements, too - thought I'd add a suggestion of my own :)

The stand out issue, for me, is the way that SP's automatic measure spacing always seems to result in a layout that looks uncomfortable. For instance, a measure containing only a single whole note will often be assigned a very narrow measure, and yet the last line of a project might contain only two rather wide measures, with the rest all cramped up on the previous lines.

This makes exports of even simple pieces tend to be good only as temporary examples.

What I would like, ideally, is for there to be an option menu in Portrait mode which would be specific to layout. This might offer the choice of how many measures are to be assigned to each system, and whether the last one should be justified, should it contain less than the average.

For an advanced option, each measure could be assigned a 'priority' of high/low - this would force SP to assign more space to those measures with high priority.

Adjustable space above and below each stave would also be useful, as would 'force to next/previous page'.


  • Hi Ben,

    Glad to hear from you again. Narrow measures are made to allow more room for notes, but I'd agree the visually, short measures do not look proportional to their duration. I'll consider your suggestions and allow more advanced options for resizing measures.

  • Symphony wrote:
    Narrow measures are made to allow more room for notes, but I'd agree the visually, short measures do not look proportional to their duration. I'll consider your suggestions and allow more advanced options for resizing measures.

    Thanks for the reply, Phil :)

    Even a basic "Measures per line" option in the Settings menu to allow the user to either define a maximum number (say, between 1 and 16) or to select "Optimized" would make a huge difference.
  • Just found the app tonight - really great. Is there currently no way to specify the number of measures you want per line? For example, a piece with four bar phrases looks really strange with the notation defaults to six bars per line. Thanks!