Garageband integration?

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I just got Garageband for iPad, and am incredibly impressed with it.
In the spirit of not trying to do everything, but doing a few things well, what is the possibility that you'll be developing ways to export/import between SP and GB, letting each do what it does best?
I can see composing in SP and then orchestrating in GB.



  • We have heard of systems like AudioCopy, which allows iOS music apps to transfer and import music data with each other. We're hoping that GB implements this feature, as this is probably what we're going to do since it's so prevalent among the most popular studio/synth/sequencer apps.

    Either way, you have brought this issue to our attention, which could be quite important since Garage Band is going to be widely adopted.

    I have yet to use this app, so I don't know the details about what it can import that SP exports. SP currently supports MIDI, MP3, AAC, and MusicXML.

    If you have any more suggestions to help us integrate GB, please give them, or send us an email at if there is detailed or sensitive information.

  • I'll post again after I've worked with it more.
    The import mechanism into GB for iOS seems to be 'copy from iTunes', which I had originally thought to mean to import an audio file.
    I'm thinking that this may actually mean the iTunes application/file interface into which midi etc may be imported.
    I'll post back after testing.
  • So, it's 2015. . . . Any news? Thanks!
  • @Brentopolus: We've been wrapping up MIDI-out and hope to get AudioBus support within a few months. Let us know if you have any specific features in mind, and we would be love to consider them.