Grouping melodies

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Is there any way, or plans, to use categories/groups to organise songs/melodies?
I'm currently rehearsing for a concert, and it's pretty tideous to lookup every song from the list of all our 300+ songs...


  • Hi ebraetv,

    We definitely plan on making it easier to organize your projects (i.e folders). We'll add this to our list
    of planned features.

  • Subfolders for file management is apparently an old idea (here suggested Oct 2011), but it hasn't been implemented as I write this almost 3 years later, in Aug 2014. I guess not enough forum traffic is asking for this really basic functionality... (and I don't have nearly 300+ songs like this original poster had; imagine how many more he has now, 3 years later!)
  • Hello
    I would to have this notation program, but no management no buying.
    I've notion for ipad and ther is the same problem so...
  • @kkkwj @PierreK

    File management is our top priority and we appreciate your support for improvements here. 
  • Maybe You can export your scores into your iBook reader, and organize the files there in sub folders,
    And only keep those scores in Symphony that you're working on,
    It's just an idea...??
    Amateur musician, harmonica enthusiast and volunteer with HarmonicaUK.