Features for singers

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I am an amateur singer and predominantly want to use this app to learn/transcribe pieces on the go. For that I need a couple of features added:

1. I need to be able to mark an "octave down" treble clef (I'm not sure technically what this is called but it would appear with a small 8 just below the clef).

2. It would also be helpful to add acciacatura and appoggiatura (spelling?) marks (grace notes).

I see you have added the ability to insert lyrics - thanks!


  • Dear BishopBasher,

    I recommend taking a look at the planned features for 2.1, which include all your wishes and are announced for the end of this month.

    Best regards
  • Ah! It might help if I could read... Thanks.
  • OK, I have another one. Being able to add lyrics is great but it's a little bit long-winded as you have to select each note in turn to type the syllable (pretty much).

    It would be much faster if:
    1. The space key automatically moved you on to the next note; and
    2. The app understood that tied and slurred notes are one syllable for lyrics.
  • Currently the hyphen brings you to the next note.

    My proposal would be, that either the space and the hyphen bring you to the next note, but with the hyphen there should be a hyphen between the syllables. Can you take influence on the keyboard that is displayed? The hyphen should be part of the first "page" of the keyboard.

    Best regards
  • There is a way to easily skip between chords when adding lyrics or chord symbols. All you have to do is press the 'Next' button which is where the 'Enter' button usually is.

    Unfortunately I don't think there's any way to move the hyphen to the front of the keyboard.

    I'll make a note of fixing it so that tied notes act as a single syllable. Thanks for pointing that out.
  • Thanks Ross - I posted in haste (again) as I saw that Next button afterwards. I think it's more natural to use space bar to move to the next note - but having the Next button instead does mean that the space bar can be used where you have two syllables on the same note (often in Italian song).

    Using the hyphen is great where you're separating syllables (e.g. "in-spires") but not where you are typing different words (e.g. "wine-in-spires"). It would look weird to a singer reading the score.

    Both tied and slurred notes act as a single syllable.