XML "processed" from PDF crashes

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Just bought the software. I loaded three single page lead sheets (pdf's) and processed them. When I try to open ANY of the newly created XML files, the app crashes. The default files open fine. Any clues?



  • As I posted yesterday, I have experienced the same problem, but no one has come forward with any solutions.
  • Sorry for the late reply. I'll make a quick note about this for now and will try to expand on it in the future.

    The scanned music sheet importer is in a very experimental stage at this point, as pointed out in the built-in manual. There's 3 main problems with it right now: the crashes when loading the XML files, failure to process multi-page music sheets, and poor rendering of the generated XML. These are confirmed bugs, as I have experienced them too. We have added the crashing bugs to our list of planned fixes for 2.1.

    Until we get these fixed, you can still use SP to convert your PDFs/images to XML, export them, and use them in other editors like Musescore. I've found that they handle them pretty well.

    In summary, all of these issues will eventually be resolved/improved.