Upcoming Changes, Features and Fixes in 2.1

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Target Release Date: Released
[*]iOS 5 compatibility[/*]
[*]Different noteheads (Normal, X, Triangle, or Cicle-X)[/*]
[*]Import support for MXL files[/*]
[*]Improved XML import support[/*]
[*]Upper mordent, lower mordent, up bow, and down bow added[/*]
[*]Drum kit and guitars recognize noteheads when playing back notes[/*]
[*]Reorder tracks[/*]
[*]Transposing instruments[/*]
[*]Piano tracker not returning to correct position on undo[/*]
[*]Piano sometimes does not reposition when tapping ahead of the last note in a measure[/*]
[*]Piano not appearing when you tap on the icon[/*]
[*]Fix crashes on loading[/*]

Coming soon
[*]Export your work as an MP3/AAC file exactly how it was played in the app[/*]
[*]Grace notes, appoggiatura, accacciatura, mordent[/*]
[*]Swing style playback[/*]
[*]Copy & Paste using select mode[/*]
[*]Copy & Paste entire tracks[/*]
[*]Double dotted notes[/*]
[*]Pedal marker[/*]
[*]Add playback support for trills[/*]
[*]Improved instrument samples and sound rendering[/*]
[*]A tool that will allow you to specify a new tempo in the middle of a song[/*]
[*]Octave clefs[/*]
[*]Fix crashes when importing XML generated from scanned music sheets[/*]


  • Good afternoon, developers,

    you wrote "iOS 5 compatibility". Won't it be "safe" to upgrade to iOS 5 when it comes out next week? The golden master has been released, the next OS is supposed to come on the 12th and I don't want to go without neither iOS 5 nor Symphony Pro.

    Best regards
  • I would like to see a fix where if you switch to keyboard mode, instead of the input moving to the first measure, I think it should stay where it is.

    Also, a nice feature but certainly not imperative, would be if a midi keyboard is active, being able to use the right and left cursors which are exposed in the lower left hand corner.

    Thanks very much and I almost felt like I stole the software when you offered it for $2.99 this weekend.
  • luk wrote:
    Good afternoon, developers,

    you wrote "iOS 5 compatibility". Won't it be "safe" to upgrade to iOS 5 when it comes out next week? The golden master has been released, the next OS is supposed to come on the 12th and I don't want to go without neither iOS 5 nor Symphony Pro.

    Best regards

    We're going to try our best to get a quick fix for this released as soon as possible (hopefully before iOS 5 is released!). There will be lots of users, including me, that will upgrade to iOS 5 when it's released. It will be a shame if Symphony Pro won't be working at all on it, which is what we're hearing from some people in our emails.
  • Hello at Symphony Pro,
    i would wish for the possibility to change tempo for the next version.

    Also as a non musician it is for me very difficult to find the right crosses and b's when i want to write down a song as the nomal used shortcodes do not say anythin to me.
    Would be great if they could be easier to pick/choose

    thanks anyway

  • Hi brighthon,

    We are going to release an update that patches bugs and iOS 5 compatibility issues in a few days, before this feature will be added. However, it will arrive in the following update, since it's high priority.

  • Re. tempo changes: will this also include the ability to set a pause over a fermata and/or breath mark?
  • Thank you for the latest uppdate. It makes the app even better.
    Here are som suggestions for the next one.

    -guitar and bass tab lines option. To open up the program to all those who doesent read traditionall scores.

    -tha ability to change chord symbols. A lot of people are used to reading CM7 as Cmaj7 or C with a triangle after it. CM7 is to some, easily mixed up with Cm7

    - to be able to write symbols within a bar. / / / / in a bar to play along in a similar way wile following the chordchanges.

    -One bar repeat sign is also a very useful symbol. ./. (kindof)

    - I cant seem to fin a coda sign. That would be great to.

    Once again, thanx for a great app. I use it every day!

  • Hi Bassamassa,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    - Tablature notation is a definite feature, and will be available soon. To see more, here are the lists we made for upcoming features and version 2.1 (the next update).

    - There are definitely many ways to write symbols for a given chord. In the future, we will give people more options, including triangle notation and the ability to turn off some automatic formatting.

    - Do you mean slash notation? This is on its way, along with the custom noteheads feature.

    - Thanks for the suggestion for one bar repeats! We overlooked this, but it's definitely useful. Multiple repeats (i.e. 4x) will also be an option. We'll add both to our list. Coda is also on the list.

  • Thanks for the update! How do we transpose instruments? I need Eb and Bb brass.
  • Auto save please. Constantly loosing work because I forget to save. It's the only app I have where it is necessary to press save. And earlier today after spending two hours composing the save button stopped working and I lost all my work. Cheers
  • @Coll: We're going to add transposing instruments by next update.

    @Mark: We have been considering autosave. It might eventually replace the save button.

  • Ah thanks Dev, you didn't put it in yet then. I was confused because It does say transposing instruments is in 2.1, at the top of this thread.
  • @Coll: Sorry, this was something we forgot to update in time. Transposing instrument will arrive next update.