Transposing Chord Symbols & Concert Pitch Issue

Hi everyone,

I have two questions regarding Symphony Pro:

  1. I added chord symbols while writing for guitar, then copied and pasted them onto a clarinet part. However, I can't figure out how to transpose all the chord symbols at once. Is there a way to do this?

  2. I'm having trouble with the concert pitch setting. I enable and disable it for the clarinet, but the notes don’t change, and the playback sounds the same. Am I missing something?

I’d really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!


  • Support
    edited February 5

    > I added chord symbols while writing for guitar, then copied and pasted them onto a clarinet part. However, I can't figure out how to transpose all the chord symbols at once. Is there a way to do this? 

    Great question! To selectively transpose chord symbols:
    - First select the chord symbols. There are several ways to do this, such as by tapping or dragging a note selection rectangle around the chords in Select Mode.
    -- A more systematic way is illustrated below, specifically opening the Region Selection area in Select Mode, then choosing Select Special at the very end of the menu items that appear above it:

    - The resulting menu will allow you to select only chord symbols. You can find this option by navigating to Text > Chord Symbol, then setting this option to ON.
    -- Next, tap on the Select option at the bottom to select them.

    - Regardless of how you selected the chord symbols, you should next open the Measure Dialog.
    -- Then choose Time/Key at the bottom of the Measure Dialog
    -- Choose the option that says 'Transpose Special...'. allowing you to selectively transpose chords, as illustrated below. 

    -- Next, make sure to choose Transpose Chord Symbols Only from the resulting popover menu, illustrated above.
  • Support
    edited February 5
    > I'm having trouble with the concert pitch setting. I enable and disable it for the clarinet, but the notes don’t change, and the playback sounds the same. Am I missing something?

    Sorry that you're experiencing issues with this. This doesn't seem to be the correct response from the app.

    - There are several things to try. We first recommend opening the Instrument Properties Menu for the transposing part, i.e. Clarinet, where the menu is illustrated below. 

    Then, please verify the following:

    - That the instrument has a value specified under Transposing Staff, i.e. -3 semitones for the clarinet.
    -- The transposing Staff property tells the app how many semitones that the instrument is transposed from what is written in Concert Pitch.
    -- If this setting is set to 0 semitones, the instrument will not transpose to its expected pitch when toggling the Concert Pitch setting. Furthermore, playback will be incorrect from what you would expect.

    - Second, please verify that Maintain Original Pitch (highlighted below in green) is set to ON.
    -- On the other hand, Open Key should be set to OFF.

    If you're still encountering issues, please let us know. We'd greatly appreciate a copy of the project if possible, by emailing it to