Creating orchestral parts from score


Can you tell me where (and how) I can upload an orchestral score and generate parts?


  • Support
    edited December 2024
    Sorry about the delay.

    - Please be aware that there is a bug in the latest version of SP (6.5.2) involving several (though not all of) the recent versions of iPadOS/iOS, where printouts of the score may not be displaying all of the score elements, such as textboxes and score expressions, correctly. An update is on the way to address these issues. Thank you for your patience as we work to address this in an urgent update.

    - In the meantime, the following instructions outline the steps to print your score:

    From SP, you can export all parts, including a printout for each instrument, as PDF score that you can then upload to iCloud, Dropbox, email, or other apps.

    To locate this feature in the app, you can do the following:
    1. Open the project in SP
    2. Open the Navigation Menu via the icon on the bottom right.
    3. Next, choose the Export button highlighted in blue, as illustrated:

    4. The following Export Menu will appear.

    a. From the Export Menu, first check-mark 'All Parts to PDF', highlighted green
    b. Then, under Export Destinations, choose from the options highlighted in blue to send the printout of your score, including all of the individual parts.

    We hope this helps! However, please let us know if you were looking for something else or encounter any issues.

    * Note