Change Instruments Mid-Score

I thought it was possible to change instruments mid-piece on a staff. An example, I’d like to change a bass line from "Grand Piano" to "Wurlitzer" and back several times in a piece. I searched the old manual, but couldn’t find anything. I’d appreciate any help. Thank you! Jimmy


  • @JimmyGahl
    Yes, we apologize that we've been so behind on the manual!

    You can certainly do something similar to changing the instruments, which is termed Change of Visible Parts. This is a newer feature documented in the Release Notes, under Version 6 > Part management and display.

    - First open the Measure Dialog at the measure where you want to change which instruments are visible in the full score.
    - Next, choose Bars > Staff/Part Layout
    Then choose Change of Visible Parts
    - You can now select which of the listed parts are visible or invisible from the menu that will appear, as illustrated below

    - To apply your changes after choosing which parts are visible, make sure to choose Apply at the navigation bar. The Apply option will appear after having chosen one or more parts/instruments.
  • Hi… I’m puzzled by your reply.  You said, "You can certainly do something similar to changing the instruments," Can one actually change instruments mid score? Yes or no, please.

    I tried to follow your directions. Went to measure where I wanted to change instruments in the bass line. How do I open the MEASURE DIALOG box where I want to change instruments? Jimmy
  • Hi Again. Please forgive me, but I suddenly realize I don't think I’m not running the latest version of SP. I did participate in the beta testing for a long while, but somehow the Test Flight program got disconnected and I don’t have the latest u-date. Could you please tell me how to get the latest version and I’ll try your original suggestions on changing instruments mid-score. Jimmy