MIDI and digital piano build in sound


I’m new to Symphony Pro and I would like to use my Yamaha P-125 to input notes. The piano also acts as a speaker for the iPad. And this means that when I play a note both the piano and Symphony is playing the note, the later with a bit of latency. Is there any way to disable the audio coming from Symphony while still being able to hear it doing playback?

I would also like to use the MIDI out to use the piano engine in the P-125, but I turn it on strange things happens: it’s like the damper pedal is activated all the time and recording gives strange results.



  • Support
    edited November 2021
    Is there any way to disable the audio coming from Symphony while still being able to hear it doing playback?
    There isn't a way to do this as of 6.3 except indirectly. The simplest thing to try first is to turn off the iPad/device audio since the external device is the speaker. If that's too restrictive, it should be possible to indirectly "mute" audio from SP instruments (without muting the entire device or setting the instrument volumes to zero) as follows:
    - Turn on Send MIDI Out under Playback Options > MIDI Connections.
    - Make sure to select one of the first two options below "Send MIDI Out', then turn off the switch next to Play MIDI Out Track(s)
    I would also like to use the MIDI out to use the piano engine in the P-125, but I turn it on strange things happens: it’s like the damper pedal is activated all the time and recording gives strange results.
    Very sorry to hear that. We've been resolving major bugs with MIDI event synchronization, which led to this sort of issue. These bugs most notably occurred after enabling Record Mode and attempting to play any notes via either the MIDI controller or On-Screen Piano. However, since we're still testing whether the many reported issues with audio (including what you described) were in fact resolved, we hope you'd be willing to test the early access of the upcoming release (6.4). If interested, you can let us know as a quick reply below and we'll send an install link to your registered email.