Not cool...

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
The price dropped to 2.99 last night. I tried several times to buy the app, but kept getting an error saying "this item is being modified, try again later". I wake up and the price is back to $15.

I've read about devs dropping prices and then "updating" their app to disallow downloads, then raising the price before downloads are enabled again, just to get free publicity. Is this what's going on here?


  • It was an accident. We had set the promotional price to be effective to coincide with the SP 2.0 release, but Apple is still reviewing the app and has not approved it yet. So, the price drop stuck and we forgot to change it back.

    We'll still be having the sale when 2.0 is released.
  • Dear Symphony Pro Team

    When version 2.0 will be available?

    Thanks and greetings from Switzerland.

    Pantau :-)
  • Pantau wrote:
    Dear Symphony Pro Team

    When version 2.0 will be available?

    Thanks and greetings from Switzerland.

    Pantau :-)

    Pantau, according to the announcement, version 2 is with Apple now, and it is dependant on however long it takes them to decide it's suitable to be added to the App Store. Personally I think with the number of apps they receive daily, it would be very difficult to even estimate how long the process takes. But let's hope it will be soon.
  • Hy stevenpanter,

    Thank you very much for the answer!!:--))

    Pantau :)