Importing xml
Is it possible to import xml files into SP and if so how.
Some info here is available at the help menu chapter. However, better and more comprehensive guides and tutorials won't be arriving until after v6.0, a free and major update that is on the way. For now, remember that:
1. v5 requires that the file extension be either .mxl or .xml, not .musicxml or any other extension. Recognition of other formats will be arriving in v6.0.
2. You can open an importable file via iTunes File Sharing. The same file sharing section is available from Finder starting macOS Catalina. After adding it to SP's Documents from the file sharing section, open the app and navigate to the Projects window > Imported/Exported Files, then tap the XML file that should appear listed.
3. You can import from DropBox, AirDrop, and the iOS Files app, provided that (in v5 and earlier) the xml file has one of the two recognized extensions listed above. Otherwise SP won't appear as an available app that can open the file.
If you need to troubleshoot any issue regarding these steps or anything else, please feel free to email -
I have an iPad Pro which does not have iTunes, only Apple Music. How can I import a Music XML file into SP?0
firstJonnieP said:I have an iPad Pro which does not have iTunes, only Apple Music. How can I import a Music XML file into SP?
2. click open left on the "plus" sign
3. click on "iOS Document Browser"
4. browse to the folder that contains your file (e.g. on iCloud)
5. click on it, a message will appear "Added Filier (....) has been copied to your iTunes Shared Tag. Topo open the project in symphony Pro, first import it using Imported/Exported Files unless user the Project window"
6. click on "open later".
7. click open left on the "plus" sign
8. click on "imported/exported files"
9. click on the file, a message will appear "Convert MusicXML to SP project and open" ?
10. click open.0