Latency/which iPad is best with this app?

edited September 2020 in Symphony Pro
I've had a latency issue between the CME xkey keyboard and my iPad mini 2. I've been told the iPad minis might not have the processing power to handle this functionality and the mini 2 is too old to upgrade the software. I'm wondering which iPad is the best to not have the latency issue, preferably without breaking the bank? Thanks!


  • @Piatti007
    Latency was a major issue that's been reduced significantly for the upcoming release (6.0), which will be a free update arriving soon. You will receive an install link to your registered email shortly so that you can download it early and determine whether upgrading your device is still necessary. This is still believed to be a software and not hardware issue.
  • Even on my iPad Pro the latency is close to unusable.
    But I have the same issue with MuseScore on my desktop,
    when I try to record in real-time.
    Recognizing a swing in a melody is probably not part of version 6, I guess. 😉