
edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I can't seem to get the 1st and 2nd ending measure references to last more than one measure.

I also am having trouble adding a repeat sign at the end of my first ending.

Also, is there any support for more than 2x repeats?

Sorry if these are overly newb questions. I really dig the app after a couple hours of use.


  • Hi Jivie,
    I can't seem to get the 1st and 2nd ending measure references to last more than one measure.
    I also am having trouble adding a repeat sign at the end of my first ending.

    You can set the 2nd ending to be 1 or more measures ahead of the 1st ending. This allows for multiple measures in the 1st ending. In addition, creating a 2nd ending automatically adds a repeat sign to the previous measure.
    Also, is there any support for more than 2x repeats?

    This is a great feature request, and we'll add it to our list.

  • Thanks! That TOTALLY helps!!! And the multi-verse repeats (hymns & folk) really would help.