Can´t listen to voices seperatly.

There seems to be no way to listen to voices seperatly on I create a song. I can listen to intrument seperate, but not voices. I REALLY need this feature. Is there any way I can do this?


  • Support
    edited October 2018
    While this isn't available in 5.1.9, you've brought up an excellent suggestion, which we'll consider including by the next major release. This will otherwise remain on the roadmap for this year, and for the updates following. 
  • Is there any update on this question? I am using version 6.4 (I think) and I still can’t see a way to play voices separately. It would be really handy for teaching/learning parts in a SATB piece.
  • @Hildebrand
    Thanks for your suggestion. We'll keep it in consideration for an upcoming update as this feature shouldn't take very long to implement.