Trouble Reading .XML and some .midi

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
For the past few hours I've been trying to get Symphony Pro to read the .XML flies that have in the program's file list. The little wheel turns in the center for ever, then i have to manually close the program by press the home button twice and closing Symphony pro from the multitask bar to be able to try again. I have resorted to trying midi files of the same score and what shows up on the ipad 30-50% of what is supposed to be there. I tried importing just the piano track via the midi format and it just a frozen app. with a spinning wheel again.

Is this a know bug? Is there something happening when the external server reads my midi files? Both the XML and the midi file read perfectly in my Smart Score program and my Finale, I just want to be able to use the playback while i'm conducting my choir. The .XML file has 4 music staves Alto, Soprano, and L/R hand piano per system, one of my midi files only has the piano.

I hope the only problem is that I missed a step somewhere and your wonderful program isn't at fault.



  • i did get it to open an .xml file that i converted from a Symphony pro generated composition but still can't open the .XML from Smart score/Finale
  • Thanks for reporting this to us. It sounds like you really spent some time testing this out and came across some kind of bug. Can you send us the MusicXML and midi file you were working with to The files will help us diagnose and fix the problem.
  • I have had similar issues with importing an XML. I just updated to Sibelius 7, which finally (!) includes XML export. When I tried a simple file (about 20 measures, one voice one track), it came in fine. But when I tried a more complex work (4 tracks, up to four voices, about 100 measures), Symphony Pro shows it in the files list, but when I try to open it thinks for a few seconds and then Symphony Pro just closes (window closes, still in active apps). I've read the XML back into Sibelius no issue.

    Is there a limitation on the size of an XML import, or on the size of a Symphony Pro file in general?

    Otherwise, Symphony Pro is an absolutely brilliant app - exactly the kind of thing that makes the iPad so great.
  • Symphony Pro can't read some complex XML files. So in some cases it can fail without telling you. If loading an XML file takes more than 2 minutes, just do a hard reset of the app. We're committed to improving the XML importer so that it can better handle complex files.
  • I too am having a problem opening a converted .jpg image to .xml. It tries to load the .xml but then closes the app randomly. Is this because it is singing sheet music and too complex or is it a bug. Thanks
  • The sheet music is too complex for Symphony Pro to read. We'll keep working on the MusicXML importer until it's able to read every XML file gracefully. You can transfer the XML file to your computer and then open in another program for the time being if SP fails to load a particular file.