Linking tab staff with standard staff

In Symphony Pro 5, I imported a musicXML file and the TAB staff I had in that file did not get included. So I changed the the instrument for that standard staff to Jazz Guitar. Under that instrument I added a TAB staff, but none of the notes in the standard staff show up in the TAB staff. Also if I add notes to one of the two, they don't show up in the other. 

If I press on a given note, the pop-up menu has an option to "Sync Tab Staves", when I select that, only that measure is affected and notes at the zero fret show up on the first string, regardless of pitch and don't seem to be linked to the standard staff.

I must be missing something... What?


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  • In Symphony Pro 5, I imported a musicXML file and the TAB staff I had in that file did not get included. 

    This is a known limitation that we'll address soon. Which software did you use to export the XML?

    Under that instrument I added a TAB staff, but none of the notes in the standard staff show up in the TAB staff. Also if I add notes to one of the two, they don't show up in the other. 

    It indeed seems like the staves weren't recognized as linked. When highlighting the two staves, did you see a dialog box that asks whether to recognize them accordingly (i.e. as a grand staff/single part)? If not, make sure that the instruments assigned to them match (whereas the part names need not match).

  • Thanks for responding. Below are my replies in bold.
    Support said:

    This is a known limitation that we'll address soon. Which software did you use to export the XML?

    I am using both TablEdit/TefPad and MuseScore 2 (which work fine with each other). As an experiment, I also tried an export from Symphony Pro (see my post in the Support area of this forum). All of these had similar results (in Symphony Pro).

    It indeed seems like the staves weren't recognized as linked. When highlighting the two staves, did you see a dialog box that asks whether to recognize them accordingly (i.e. as a grand staff/single part)? If not, make sure that the instruments assigned to them match (whereas the part names need not match).

    Yes, I did <sometimes> see the dialog about making them a single part. I wasn't being very systematic at the time. As I was just trying to get something to work. Occasionally, Tab notes would show up, but they would be all zeros on the 1st string, and were not linked to the standard staff.

    I think this is a nice program, but I need musicXML and TAB and standard stave conversions to work. Thanks again!
  • I think this is a nice program, but I need musicXML and TAB and standard stave conversions to work. Thanks again!
    Thank you for the helpful details, @jen0714; XML support for tabs is now a high-priority feature. OTOH, if you're certain that you're not seeing the grand staff confirmation box consistently, we could an example project to more quickly address this bug.


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