Crashes and export errors

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Two days ago, I bought Symphony Pro for my new iPad2.
To try it out I put in Strauss Pizzicato-Polka, to make an arrangement for my students.
Putting in notes in several staffs all works fine, BUT:
When I try to export via mail, choosing MusicXML, the program crashes.
Choosing MIDI, the arrangement goes totally bananas. I recieve an email, but rests are totally wrong and worthless in Sibelius. Needs so much reediting, that it will be much faster to make a brand new input. And on the iPad, my arrangement is now all errors. Even the graphics are very strange, having stems flying around the top of the page.
I have tried all options, MP3 and so forth, even tried using "Device" instead of "Email"
Shut of Symphony Pro. Restarted iPad. Tried to export some of the default arrangements like "Blue Skies Boogie".
Tried everything: Same result.
Please help me out.


  • Hi Henrik. Please read my post about MusicXML crashes and problems with the accuracy of exported audio.

    In summary, we are aware of these problems and they have both been fixed/improved in the next update.
  • Hi Developer

    Thanks for the reply. From what I understand, I have to wait for version 2, to have the byg fixed, or become a Beta-tester.
    When do you expect version 2 ready?
    How can I become a Beta-tester in the meantime?

    Kind regards
  • Hi Developer

    Thanks for the reply. From what I understand, I have to wait for version 2, to have the byg fixed, or become a Beta-tester.
    When do you expect version 2 ready?
    How can I become a Beta-tester in the meantime?

    Kind regards

    The beta is currently closed for registration but we'll make an exception here and will try to get you a copy. The first thing you need to do is e-mail us your UDID. Further instructions are e-mailed when we're ready to release the next beta version.

    We'll make a comment about the 2.0 release date after the weekend.