Changes in 1.3

edited November -1 in Symphony Pro
[h]Version 1.3[/h]

New features
[*]Up to 12 tracks[/*]
[*]Added plus and minus buttons next to tempo slider so you can easily select a specific tempo[/*]
[*]MusicXML importer[/*]
[*]Import files with iTunes File Sharing[/*]
[*]Export files to device and access them from iTunes[/*]
[*]Open files with Symphony Pro from other apps such as Mail and Safari[/*]
[*]Delete multiple measures at once[/*]
[*]Better control of time and key signature changes, including the ability to set a custom time signature at any measure[/*]
[*]Improved Drum Kit notation[/*]

[*]Text stays in place better when switching orientations[/*]
[*]Numerous UI tweaks[/*]
[*]Larger maximum zoom size[/*]
[*]Improved how slurs and ties are drawn[/*]
[*]Fixed a crashing bug that can occur when selecting an instrument and hitting 'Done'[/*]
[*]Fixed a bug in MusicXML exporter where some notes with accidentals playback as if they are natural[/*]
[*]MusicXML exporter handles special characters and non-ASCII characters better[/*]
[*]Text fields and the selected file format in the Import & Export view will now remember your input[/*]
[*]Progress bars have been added for imports and exports[/*]
[*]Fixed a bug where a URL ending with an uppercase file extension causes import to fail[/*]
[*]Increased MP3 sound quality from 32kbps to 65kbps VBR[/*]
[*]Accessory icons in the Import & Export view now map to same action as their button[/*]
[*]The please rate the app prompt now displays the correct app name[/*]
[*]Fixed bug where specific characters in a title causes saving to silently fail[/*]
[*]Updated the manual to include info on new Import & Export features[/*]
[*]Clear measure works across multiple voices[/*]
[*]Repeats/barlines are now preserved when exporting[/*]
[*]Improved importing and exporting reliability[/*]
[*]Copy measure works across multiple voices[/*]
[*]Added more meaningful error messages[/*]
[*]Playback tracker now extends to cover all tracks[/*]
[*]Added page numbers to the bottom of the score[/*]
[*]No more audible popping sound on playback[/*]
[*]File extension indicators have been added to the file chooser view[/*]
[*]Change playback location while your composition is being played back[/*]


  • I note 1.3.2 fix export bug. So far from my 1.3.1, I cannot email any files and output any photos. Also, when saving to device, all files ok but not PDF. I hope that is in your upcoming fix all these. Looking forward for this.