
edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I would like if they added the 64th, because I have often met the scores where there is such a representation.
Thanks, vitto55 ;)


  • Hi Vitto,

    This may be here eventually. There seems to be enough room for a 64th note option.

  • If that is added, perhaps double-dotted notes would be addable? Or should we expect to continue using messy groups of ties?
  • Jivie wrote:
    If that is added, perhaps double-dotted notes would be addable? Or should we expect to continue using messy groups of ties?

    I'm curious which time signatures you're working with. Double dotted notes were not included in Symphony Pro, in order to keep the interface simple, but this option can be added to the Fine Edit tool if needed.

  • 4/4, military. Frequently I need 1-3/4 beats, for which a double-dotted quarter would be much better than dotted quarter+tie (16th)
  • Double dotted notes are definitely on the list for 2.1 in that case.
