Grand Staff import disappointment!!!

I was hoping as you said "Support September 21
The 4.0 release in a few weeks should make part recognition a lot better, and there will eventually be more flexible display options for which tracks get divided into grand staff."

this would have been fixed in midi file import. but sadly it was not. I keep wanting to use Symphony Pro but it does not improve. So how can I change the staff to a grand staff?
OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6
IOS 13.4 iPad Pro 4th gen.


  • I got a reply about this from support and it is not ready yet to do this but the work around I use is export a piano part (Grand Scale) from Logic 9 as a midi file. Too bad but Logic 9 will not export MusicXML. then open the midi file in Finale Note Pad I have this on my Mac but do not know if it is still available. Then export out of Finale as a Music XML file and open in Symphony Pro this works

    OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6
    IOS 13.4 iPad Pro 4th gen.