Ales is IO Dock

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Hi, I have just purchased an Alesis io dock hoping to use it to input notes via an external midi keyboard. it works fine with GarageBand but does not seem to be recognised by Symphony Pro. am I doing something wrong or is it that the two are not compatible. if they are not, then it would be a great upgrade to achieve this ease of use. Any advice would be welcome.


  • If you look at the "Stickies" in the forum, you'll see a list of changes that will be coming in Symphony Pro 2.0. One of those changes is MIDI keyboard support. The developers will have to confirm support for the Alesis IO Dock. At any rate, Symphony Pro 1.X does not yet have MIDI keyboard support.
  • Thanks very much indeed choirguy ,I've checked that out now. So fingers crossed for the new update.
  • Hi Matthew,

    I did some quick research and according to the manufacturer's website, the Alesis IO Dock is Core Midi compatible, which means it should work with Symphony Pro 2.0.

    There are no guarantees however, but as an Alesis owner myself, I'm sure their specs are reliable.

    We'll try our to make 2.0 as reliable as possible.

  • I own an IO Dock and can confirm it is Core Mdi compatible, and it works well with other apps that use this API. Should be incredible with SP 2!