Crash on opening

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Successfully finished a number of projects today, emailed as pdfs - sometimes took a few goes, but worked pretty well. Went back in for a last minute edit to a project and when emailing, the "please wait" message kept going and going. I closed the app in the app bar, retried and got the same - a number of times.
Now on opening, the app crashes within a couple of seconds. I'm stuck now!


  • This looks like a serious bug.

    We'll need a crash report since we have not encountered it ourselves while testing. You can give us one by following the instructions under "Sending Crash Reports to a Developer" and then sending it to

    You should update to the latest version of iOS (4.3.3) and the app (1.3.3) if you have not done so already. If it continues to fail, the last resort is to delete the app and then reinstall it.