Opportunity for free promo codes of Symphony Pro 2.0

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
To help get the word out about 2.0, we're offering a few free promo codes to any user who blogs about or creates a video about Symphony Pro. The video can be about anything - like showing off a song you made, playing back a song, doing a quick walkthrough of the app, or simply talking about the app in general. This should be done on version 1.3.3 or 2.0 Beta (for beta testers). Once 2.0 is out, we'll continue to honor this offer. You can use these codes to refund your own purchase or to share the app with someone else.

Let us know once it's done by sending us a link to your creation to support@symphonypro.net.


  • Wondering whether the update would include the ability to quickly write lead sheets and if we recently purchased version 1.3.3 if there is a provision for getting a free update to 2.0?
  • Yes, the update will be free and will include chord symbols and lyrics.
