Importing mxl files

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I would be very pleased if the software was able to import mxl files: aka compressed music xml files, as one can read on this Recordare page. For instance, all the xml lead sheets one can find on Wikifonia are compressed.

Thanks for the good job. Waiting for the 2.0 version.


  • I'll add support for that soon. In the meantime you can manually decompress the mxl file from your computer. Just change the file extension from .mxl to .zip (you may to to turn off file extension hiding). Then open up the .zip and locate the .xml file inside of it that is not container.xml. This is the standard MusicXML file, so now you can import that into SP using iTunes file sharing, for example.
  • Ross wrote:
    I'll add support for that soon. In the meantime you can manually decompress the mxl file from your computer. Just change the file extension from .mxl to .zip (you may to to turn off file extension hiding). Then open up the .zip and locate the .xml file inside of it that is not container.xml. This is the standard MusicXML file, so now you can import that into SP using iTunes file sharing, for example.
    Thanks for the trick. It works perfectly with my Mac and your software. Thanks for the future support too.
  • I am very pleased with the software.
    If downloaded a xml file some of the instruments don't sound in tune because all the tracks are put to the same key.
    Is there a possiblitye to change the pitch of each track, so each transposing instrument will sound in tune?

    Keep up the good work.
  • Hi Boris,

    The ability to use transposing instruments is a must for the next major release. This will allow the ability to set the key signature and pitch offset of individual tracks.

  • Will there be dropbox support added? I would LOVE, I'll say it again LOVE the opportunity to import my .xml files directly from my dropbox folder. This aside, LOVE your app.

  • vagabond17 wrote:
    Will there be dropbox support added? I would LOVE, I'll say it again LOVE the opportunity to import my .xml files directly from my dropbox folder. This aside, LOVE your app.


    We're going to wait until iOS 5 is released to assess iCloud's capabilities before we make a decision to add Dropbox support or not.