App freezes when playing midi

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I imported a midi file into symphony pro but it won't play. In fact, it has now frozen up the app and I can't seem to do anything with it! I'm hoping I don't have to uninstall and repurchase the app, particularly because there are files saved on there that I need.

Any suggestions?


  • There's a crash that occurs sometimes when trying to process a midi file before playing it. Sometimes it will work fine, so if you keep trying, you may be able to get it to work.

    To get the app back to a usable state, you need to completely close it out first. From the home screen, double tap on the home button on your iPad to bring up all currently running programs. Tap and hold on the Symphony Pro icon, and then tap the red minus sign that comes up to close out the app. Finally press your home button again and relaunch SP.
  • Please send us the file that's causing the crash at