I would like to publish my compositions, where do I start?
Since several years, I compose piano pieces for my students. Enjoyable and educational. I tried to get my work published, but found no on request because the publisher had already a sufficient amount of piano literature. Can you give my advise? Do you have experience in getting your work published? What are the difficulties you might face? I am looking forward to your responds.
Hi CarinedeWinter,We are not experts in the area of music publishing, but we know it's a tough ordeal to get past publishing companies.Our main advice is to make a portion of your works downloadable for free and gain some recognition. Several ways to do this are:• Musescore online sheet music: Using the Musescore notation software, import from XML and export your score from this application to this online service. Automatically includes audio accompaniment. Rich collection of original scores and transcriptions.• Create a personal website with links to sheet music and audio• Export your music and audio recording to Youtube using Noteflight, which is a free online notation service.Regards,SP Team0
Thank you SP Team! You are so helpful.Regards,Carine de Winter0
You're more than welcome, let us know if you have any other questions!Regards,SP Team0