Select Mode w/ Keyboard open: select doesn't advance

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
Is this a bug?

In Select Mode with keyboard open selecting a note and pressing a key on the keyboard the selection remains on the note, no matter if Replace Notes (Settings Menu) is switched on or not.
Can anybody confirm this?

As stated in the manual under Editing:

With Keyboard open:
In Select Mode, tap on any note [...]
Inside the Settings Menu, there is a toggle labeled Replace Notes. When this is switched on, the selection will instead advance to the next note or chord.



Symphony Pro version 1.3.2


  • The 'Replace Notes' setting only has any effect when you are in Insert Mode (pencil icon), with the keyboard open.
  • Ross wrote:
    The 'Replace Notes' setting only has any effect when you are in Insert Mode (pencil icon), with the keyboard open.

    But that's not what the manual says.
    Please refer to the manual:
    Editing > Insert or edit notes > With the keyboard open:
    "In SELECT MODE, tap on any note or chord on the score to select it and use the the keyboard to change it. By default the selection will remain on the note that was changed. Inside the Settings Menu, there is a toggle labeled Replace Notes. WHEN THIS IS SWITCHED ON, THE SELECTION WILL INSTEAD ADVANCE TO THE NEXT NOTE OR CHORD. This is a powerful method to change a large amount of notes at once. [...]

    If my memory serves me well (one of) the previous version(s) of Symphony Pro did this as described, but apparently not any longer.

    It's an easy and quick method for changing notes on passages with identical rhythms. Can this function be reimplemented? Or should I post this as a feature request.


  • That's just a problem with the manual. Thanks for pointing it out.

    I like your idea about replace notes in select mode. I think it would only feel natural with the keyboard open, because there's not a good mechanism to replace notes by tapping on the score. If there was one, it might get in the way of adding notes to chords.