Piano Roll?

edited November -0001 in Symphony Pro
I use logic, but I need some sort of notation app for my iPad when I'm on the go. One thing that I love having is a piano roll view because it makes entering notes super easy. Is this something that you are planning on adding? If you do I think your app will be purchased by every composer with an iPad.


  • I don't think it'll be added at any time soon. There should alredy be sequencers that do that, and can export to MusicXML. I'd love to know if there was a good one that works well with Symphony Pro.
  • I know that sequencers have it, but I dint know of any iPad sequencers that do. It's not the end of the world if you don't have it, it just makes entering notes in a computer program much easier than using the standard notation view at times.
  • Hi Keith,

    Keep in mind that we're working on keyboard input with recording (quantization) that emulates a piano roll editor through play-in. This feature will certainly arrive before piano roll will, and that will make editing easier in the meantime.

    Thanks for the feature request,